Ellis Elementary School
Ellis Phone Number...... 618-538-6114
Ellis Fax Number...... 618-538-6118

Drop Off Time
8:40 am - The doors will not open until this time. Please do not drop off your child prior to this time. Thank you for your cooperation.
*School starts at 9:00am.
Pick-Up Time
3:30 pm - Please note that due to safety reasons, students will not be dismissed between 3:15 and 3:30.
"Ellis Elementary School – a NCLB “Blue Ribbon” School– has been proud to offer the highest quality education to our students since our doors first opened in 1962. Currently, Ellis serves nearly 450 students in grades Pre-K through third Grade.
At Ellis, our mission is to provide every child with the best opportunity to reach their fullest potential and have our students strive everyday to be responsible, respectful, safe and ready to learn. In order to achieve this objective, Ellis strives for a well-rounded educational program that includes: a challenging core curriculum; a strong Response to Intervention program; a differentiated instruction approach to meet the needs of all learners – including gifted; and a unique Character Education program that focuses on positive interventions and relationships. During the 2016-17 School Year, we will also be working hard at implementing a brand new math curriculum that is common core aligned, titled MyMath from McGraw-Hill.
In 2012, Ellis saw our first major building addition since 1965. A new lobby and main office were added in conjunction with a beautiful new gymnasium that allows for much greater flexibility in scheduling and opportunities for our students. This project also included the complete overhaul of wiring and networking throughout the building to ensure current and future technology needs will be met. Those changes to networking have been instrumental in our ability to incorporate nearly 150 Chromebooks over the past few years. This puts Ellis School under a 3-1 computer-to-student ratio.
Another big change came to Ellis during the 2015-16 year when the Fourth Grade was moved to the newly formed Harmony Intermediate Center, which serves grades 4-6 and is located at 7401 Westchester Dr. along with Emge Jr. High (grades 7-8).
In looking ahead, one of the biggest challenges will be the continual adaption to "New Illinois Learning Standards" that will went into effect during the 2014-15 school year. These standards are nearly identical to the national Common Core Standards and will be tested each spring during the annual PARCC Assessment given to grades 3-8. Over the past few years, Ellis has been continually planning and adapting to this transition and we are confident that we will continue to provide the best education possible due to the incredible teachers and support staff here at Ellis Elementary School."