Emge Junior High

Phone Number..... 618-397-6557

Fax..... 618-397-8446

Emge Logo

Drop Off Time

7:40 am  - Doors will not open prior to 7:40 AM.  Students will have to stand outside until our doors open.

*School starts at 8:05am.

Pick-up Time

2:35 pm - Students may be picked up in the same area where they are dropped off in the mornings (by the Emge JH cafeteria.) This can occur before the buses leave.

"Welcome to Emge Junior High, the home of the Eagles.  We are proud to welcome all new and returning students to our building.  We take great pride in making Emge JH "home away from home" for all of our students.  We want all students to use this time to further their education, invest in self exploration, and enhance their abilities to work collaboratively with others as they prepare for high school. "